Farikh (son) and their duties included things like dancing for their masters. However, these must not be confused with the class of Sha'ars, professional transvestite dancers and prostitutes that will be described shortly.

In the region of the Persian Gulf, anyone may be approached and asked explicitly if he would consent to sexual relations. In Iran and Afghanistan, the Hammans (Turkish baths) are common meeting places for the male homosexuals-the masseurs are generally male prostitutes who proposition the customers at the first opportunity. In India and Pakistan, these masseurs go through the streets in the early morning announcing themselves: the rich Indians can then call them in, while still in bed, to receive their ministrations. In spite of this, it must not be believed that homosexuals are garded with benevolent eyes-homosexuality is always considered something to be condemned and respectable families avoid male homosexuals, particularly the passive ones.



One important point is that a clear distinction is drawn between the active and the passive Sodomite. The former defend pederasty and consider it an act of courage or bravery, by means of which another male is subjected to their will. Some active homosexuals would die rather than submit to another. The passive ones, on the other hand, lend themselves to this role quite readily, and would not dream of acting otherwise except perhaps with another passive individual. As q rule, passive homosexuals are the butts of jokes and may even be mistreated.

Sodomy may be committed on a person as an act of revenge, especially in matters of honor, where the victim, and perhaps his son as well, may be violated by a whole clan. This shame is the greatest dishonor 26

that may befall a man, and extends to his entire family.

Some active homosexuals become passive as they grow older, when their virility begins to fail. They take to their service strong youths and pay them well to take the active role.

And now in conclusion, a few words about the Sha'ars already mentioned. The members of this class are professional dancers, or, rather, prostitutes. They carry out their professional duties in female attire. They imitate women in their speech, walk, and mannerisms, and generally take on feminine names. In their own private lives they dress as men, but nevertheless, give themselves away by a glance or by their speech. When they become old and lose their youthful aspect, they generally become procurers of fresh talent or become servants of other prostitutes. It is disgusting to see some of these unhappy creatures who have lost their physical attractiveness, with their bald pates covered with a cheap wig, with false breasts, huge round stomachs, always clean shaven, smiling to every passing man. The number of these Sha'ars is decreasing rapidly thanks to the influence of Western education and the emancipation of women. By the next generation,' this "caste of abnormals will most probably disappear completely.


YOU CAN PARTICIPATE Any person over 21 interested in taking an active part in the program of the Mattachine Society may do so. The plan is simple: Write to the Society obtain general information. and set up a discussion group or chapler with your friends and associates.







comment on DANISH LAW


At the present time when the witch hunt on homophiles guilty or not-is in full swing and everything looks rather hopeless, it is well to remember the comment made at the time by an important police official in retirement rogardingihe effort: to introduce a modified penal law in, Norway and which also applies to us here in Denmark.

This police official was highly

Translation from the Danish. This article was in Vennen of February, 1956, No. 2, 8th year of publication. This magazine, published in Denmark in the three main Scandinavian languages, with occasional short articles or notices in German or English, is dedicated to sexual enlightenment and information. It also accepts personal ads for purposes of contacts-platonic or otherwisein or. der to avoid the wrong type of associations and disreputable meeting places or haunts. It also contains, in addition to the articles of scientific or informative nature, others of o purely literary value, either in prose



respected everywhere as a great humanist and his words carried weight; thereto he was a tolerant and understanding man towards all, and both heterophiles and homophiles have a lot to be grateful to him for. Here are some of his


In the draft (paragraph 213) it is punishable for a person over 18 years old to have carnal relations with another one under 18 years of age. The same regulation is to be found in the Danish par. 225 section 2.

The age limit for heterose::uc:l relations is only placed at 15 years, and it may appear as quite unfair. However, I have never found any special grounds to criticize this reg ulation since the basis for it is the old belief that women mature earlier than men-even sexually. This point of view may not be entirely right, since, in my opinion, young men also mature earlier nowadays. I am not implying that there is any danger that a young man from the age of 15 years up, runs any particular risk that his sexual development take a . homosexual course. In the cases Denmark »VENNEN << Monthly magazine, published in Articles in Danish, German and English. Subscriptions, $5.00 by regular mail, $4,50 first class sealed Address: Vennen, Postbox 809, Kobenhavn Ø, Denmark.

or verse.

mattachine REVIEW
